Kyle Mercer - June 10, 2018

Story Of The World /// Week 9

Genesis Chapter 6-8 Noah, The Flood, and God's Deliverance The Story of Noah and the flood has so much to teach the Church today. What is this narrative really telling us about the condition of humanity then and today? God gives us a clear picture of what continuous habitual sin does to a person. What was the Ark in Noah's time and what does it mean for us today? What is the ultimate purpose of missions and evangelism?

From Series: "Story Of The World"

God’s plan for CREATION, REDEMPTION, and RECONCILIATION has been so clear since the very beginning! The Bible is not a bunch of stories, but one story of God’s incredible GRACE. Join in as we look at the first 12 Chapters of GENESIS and their significance to all of HUMANITY and specifically US today.

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