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Kyle Mercer - August 12, 2018

In Life and Death: Philippians 3:1-14

In very strong language, Paul urges the Church to watch out for the "Religious" amongst them. What does "Religious" mean in this context? How does an understanding of the Gospel contrast with this idea? Paul goes on to share about his resume and how it stacks up against the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

From Series: "In Life And Death- A Study In Philippians"

Paul writes his most positive letter to the church of Philippi from a jail cell! While many of Paul's letters focus on rebuking sinful behavior and correcting false doctrine, in this letter he is simply calling the church to joy, unity, and purpose in the midst of suffering and persecution.

More Messages Associated With "Gospel"...

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Kyle Mercer - August 12, 2018

In Life and Death: Philippians 3:1-14

In very strong language, Paul urges the Church to watch out for the "Religious" amongst them. What does "Religious" mean in this context? How does an understanding of the Gospel contrast with this idea? Paul goes on to share about his resume and how it stacks up against the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

From Series: "In Life And Death- A Study In Philippians"

Paul writes his most positive letter to the church of Philippi from a jail cell! While many of Paul's letters focus on rebuking sinful behavior and correcting false doctrine, in this letter he is simply calling the church to joy, unity, and purpose in the midst of suffering and persecution.

More Messages Associated With "Gospel"...

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