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Kyle Mercer - February 24, 2019

Judges Week 7: The Fall of Gideon

Judges Week 7: The Fall of Gideon Judges 8:1-10:5 God tells us how every man and women can ultimately fall from leadership through the life and compromise of Gideon. It’s in this passage we examine the temptation to be, have and feel. How do both Gideon and Jesus handle these three things?

From Series: "The Book of Judges"

In Judges, we see what happens when God's people forsake Him and seek what is right IN THEIR OWN EYES. Even as Israel spirals into chaos, destruction, and sin, God pursues them by providing mediators who would point them to a GREATER MEDIATOR -- one who would not only judge but be judged in their place.

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Kyle Mercer - February 24, 2019

Judges Week 7: The Fall of Gideon

Judges Week 7: The Fall of Gideon Judges 8:1-10:5 God tells us how every man and women can ultimately fall from leadership through the life and compromise of Gideon. It’s in this passage we examine the temptation to be, have and feel. How do both Gideon and Jesus handle these three things?

From Series: "The Book of Judges"

In Judges, we see what happens when God's people forsake Him and seek what is right IN THEIR OWN EYES. Even as Israel spirals into chaos, destruction, and sin, God pursues them by providing mediators who would point them to a GREATER MEDIATOR -- one who would not only judge but be judged in their place.

More Messages Associated With "Judges"...

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