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Kyle Mercer - October 20, 2019

Storyteller: The Sheep & The Goats

Matthew 25:31-46 In one of Jesus' clearest parables, Jesus tells us that we should be concerned about the lost and the least and that everyone will spend eternity somewhere.

From Series: "Storyteller"

Many times when Jesus spoke he told stories. Stories that brought the kingdom of God into our world. Stories that call us all to see, hear, and respond by connecting our stories to His story and our lives to His life.

More From "Storyteller"

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Kyle Mercer - October 20, 2019

Storyteller: The Sheep & The Goats

Matthew 25:31-46 In one of Jesus' clearest parables, Jesus tells us that we should be concerned about the lost and the least and that everyone will spend eternity somewhere.

From Series: "Storyteller"

Many times when Jesus spoke he told stories. Stories that brought the kingdom of God into our world. Stories that call us all to see, hear, and respond by connecting our stories to His story and our lives to His life.

More From "Storyteller"

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