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Spencer Martin - May 24, 2020

Christian Disagreement

Acts 15:1-30 We take a break from Galatians this week to look at the ministry of Paul in Acts. As Paul deals with disagreement within the early Church, he reminds believers that we must prioritize mission over tradition, and while no one can be saved by keeping the law, we shouldn't make it difficult for people to follow Christ. Ultimately, we must law down our preferences for the sake of unity, as Christ laid down his life so we could know the Father!

From Series: "No Other Gospel"

In Paul's letter to the church in Galatia, Paul warns the church of falling prey to false gospels and reminds them of the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus + Nothing = Everything

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Spencer Martin - May 24, 2020

Christian Disagreement

Acts 15:1-30 We take a break from Galatians this week to look at the ministry of Paul in Acts. As Paul deals with disagreement within the early Church, he reminds believers that we must prioritize mission over tradition, and while no one can be saved by keeping the law, we shouldn't make it difficult for people to follow Christ. Ultimately, we must law down our preferences for the sake of unity, as Christ laid down his life so we could know the Father!

From Series: "No Other Gospel"

In Paul's letter to the church in Galatia, Paul warns the church of falling prey to false gospels and reminds them of the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus + Nothing = Everything

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