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Kyle Mercer - September 27, 2020

The Burning Bush

Exodus 3:1-22 Moses's encounter with the Angel of God at the burning bush shows us that God is above us and among us. He reveals Himself, reveals His mission, and calls us to help Him accomplish it.

From Series: "Into the Wilderness"

As we dive into the book of Exodus together as a church, we will see that the people of God have always had challenges. Every generation has faced a different wilderness, but the God who never changes has always led them through it.

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Kyle Mercer - September 27, 2020

The Burning Bush

Exodus 3:1-22 Moses's encounter with the Angel of God at the burning bush shows us that God is above us and among us. He reveals Himself, reveals His mission, and calls us to help Him accomplish it.

From Series: "Into the Wilderness"

As we dive into the book of Exodus together as a church, we will see that the people of God have always had challenges. Every generation has faced a different wilderness, but the God who never changes has always led them through it.

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