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Kyle Mercer - December 20, 2020

Do You See What I See: Simeon & Anna // Luke 2:22-38

Luke 2:22-38 Simeon and Anna watched and waited for the birth of Christ with anticipation, and after seeing Him they worshipped and told others of Him. Not only do they show us a picture of how to rightly respond to Christ and His coming, but they also show us a picture of growing old well for the glory of God.

From Series: "Do You See What I See?"

Each year around this time, we enter into a season of anticipation and celebration. While the circumstances of this Christmas season may be less than ideal, what we celebrate is still something to behold -- Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, came into the world, and just like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and eventually the wisemen, we get to respond!

More From "Do You See What I See?"

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Kyle Mercer - December 20, 2020

Do You See What I See: Simeon & Anna // Luke 2:22-38

Luke 2:22-38 Simeon and Anna watched and waited for the birth of Christ with anticipation, and after seeing Him they worshipped and told others of Him. Not only do they show us a picture of how to rightly respond to Christ and His coming, but they also show us a picture of growing old well for the glory of God.

From Series: "Do You See What I See?"

Each year around this time, we enter into a season of anticipation and celebration. While the circumstances of this Christmas season may be less than ideal, what we celebrate is still something to behold -- Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, came into the world, and just like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and eventually the wisemen, we get to respond!

More From "Do You See What I See?"

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