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Kyle Mercer - January 17, 2021

Salt & Light

Matthew 5:13-16 You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Don't lose it, and don't hide it. God wants to use Christians in the lives of other people, to bring light and to draw others toward Him.

From Series: "The Sermon on the Mount"

Forgiveness. Love. Marriage. Divorce. Money. Anxiety. Anger. Prayer. Belief... In Matthew 5-7, we see how one of Jesus' most famous sermons still speaks to our culture and circumstances today.

More Messages Associated With "Matthew"...

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Kyle Mercer - January 17, 2021

Salt & Light

Matthew 5:13-16 You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Don't lose it, and don't hide it. God wants to use Christians in the lives of other people, to bring light and to draw others toward Him.

From Series: "The Sermon on the Mount"

Forgiveness. Love. Marriage. Divorce. Money. Anxiety. Anger. Prayer. Belief... In Matthew 5-7, we see how one of Jesus' most famous sermons still speaks to our culture and circumstances today.

More Messages Associated With "Matthew"...

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