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Caleb Duvick - February 7, 2021

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:38-48 Christianity is not "cancel culture." While the world preaches condemnation, Christ calls us to forgiveness and a ministry of reconciliation. In this famous passage, Jesus calls us to not only love our neighbors but to love our enemies as well, and He gives us the love and forgiveness we need to do it.

From Series: "The Sermon on the Mount"

Forgiveness. Love. Marriage. Divorce. Money. Anxiety. Anger. Prayer. Belief... In Matthew 5-7, we see how one of Jesus' most famous sermons still speaks to our culture and circumstances today.

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Caleb Duvick - February 7, 2021

Love Your Enemies

Matthew 5:38-48 Christianity is not "cancel culture." While the world preaches condemnation, Christ calls us to forgiveness and a ministry of reconciliation. In this famous passage, Jesus calls us to not only love our neighbors but to love our enemies as well, and He gives us the love and forgiveness we need to do it.

From Series: "The Sermon on the Mount"

Forgiveness. Love. Marriage. Divorce. Money. Anxiety. Anger. Prayer. Belief... In Matthew 5-7, we see how one of Jesus' most famous sermons still speaks to our culture and circumstances today.

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