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Caleb Duvick - May 16, 2021

Confession & Compassion

Psalm 51 God will meet you with compassion when you come to Him in confession.

From Series: "Psalms: Enter into Communion with God"

As a church, we believe that prayer should be Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, and worship-based, and we see no better place to turn to in the Scripture to help us cultivate prayerful hearts than the Psalms. The whole Bible speaks to us. The Psalms speak for us.

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Caleb Duvick - May 16, 2021

Confession & Compassion

Psalm 51 God will meet you with compassion when you come to Him in confession.

From Series: "Psalms: Enter into Communion with God"

As a church, we believe that prayer should be Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, and worship-based, and we see no better place to turn to in the Scripture to help us cultivate prayerful hearts than the Psalms. The whole Bible speaks to us. The Psalms speak for us.

More From "Psalms: Enter into Communion with God"

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