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Kyle Mercer - July 4, 2021

How Do I Stop Quarelling? // 2 Timothy 2:14-26

2 Timothy 2:14-26 Paul urges Timothy to remind the Church not to be quarrelsome and to rightly handle the gospel! He challenges them to be kind and act with conviction, faithfully serving the people of God and sharing the Word of God.

From Series: "Poured Out: 2 Timothy"

In Paul's last letter, he writes to Timothy, encouraging him and charging him to pass on the faith.

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Kyle Mercer - July 4, 2021

How Do I Stop Quarelling? // 2 Timothy 2:14-26

2 Timothy 2:14-26 Paul urges Timothy to remind the Church not to be quarrelsome and to rightly handle the gospel! He challenges them to be kind and act with conviction, faithfully serving the people of God and sharing the Word of God.

From Series: "Poured Out: 2 Timothy"

In Paul's last letter, he writes to Timothy, encouraging him and charging him to pass on the faith.

More Messages Associated With "Serving"...

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