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Caleb Duvick - December 19, 2021

Make Room in a Loud World // Luke 5:15-16

Luke 5:15-16 Amid the clamor and chaos of life what Christians need most is the communication and communion with Christ found in silence and solitude. Just as Jesus stepped away from healing and preaching to seek time alone with the Father, we too must make room for God as we seek Him in His Word and prayer.

From Series: "Make Room: A series in the spiritual disciplines"

The holidays can be busy, hectic, distracting, and anything but restful. That's why this Christmas season we're inviting you to "make room" for Christ as we focus on deepening our relationship with Him through the spiritual disciplines.

More From "Make Room: A series in the spiritual disciplines"

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Caleb Duvick - December 19, 2021

Make Room in a Loud World // Luke 5:15-16

Luke 5:15-16 Amid the clamor and chaos of life what Christians need most is the communication and communion with Christ found in silence and solitude. Just as Jesus stepped away from healing and preaching to seek time alone with the Father, we too must make room for God as we seek Him in His Word and prayer.

From Series: "Make Room: A series in the spiritual disciplines"

The holidays can be busy, hectic, distracting, and anything but restful. That's why this Christmas season we're inviting you to "make room" for Christ as we focus on deepening our relationship with Him through the spiritual disciplines.

More From "Make Room: A series in the spiritual disciplines"

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