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Kyle Mercer - May 22, 2022

The Battles We Fight // James 4:1-12

James 4:1-12 Life is war... so you better start fighting. There is an internal and spiritual war in the heart of every Christian that must be fought by turning toward God and away from sin.

From Series: "FaithIRL: A Study on the Book of James"

Whether we're facing trials or temptation, seeking God's plan for our lives, or learning how to truly love our neighbors, the book of James has wisdom for us all. Faith is more than a concept. It's meant to be applied. That's why we're asking the question: how do we live out faith IN REAL LIFE?

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Kyle Mercer - May 22, 2022

The Battles We Fight // James 4:1-12

James 4:1-12 Life is war... so you better start fighting. There is an internal and spiritual war in the heart of every Christian that must be fought by turning toward God and away from sin.

From Series: "FaithIRL: A Study on the Book of James"

Whether we're facing trials or temptation, seeking God's plan for our lives, or learning how to truly love our neighbors, the book of James has wisdom for us all. Faith is more than a concept. It's meant to be applied. That's why we're asking the question: how do we live out faith IN REAL LIFE?

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