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Kyle Mercer - January 8, 2023

Choosing Life or Death // Deuteronomy 30

Deuteronomy 30 For Vision Weekend, we looked at Deuteronomy 30 and asked the question: Are you choosing life or death every day?

From Series: "Taking Ground: A Study on Joshua"

Joshua is a story of welcoming and walking in the promises of God. It shows us how to live a vibrant and confident Christian life.


More Messages Associated With "Reaping and Sowing"...

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Kyle Mercer - January 8, 2023

Choosing Life or Death // Deuteronomy 30

Deuteronomy 30 For Vision Weekend, we looked at Deuteronomy 30 and asked the question: Are you choosing life or death every day?

From Series: "Taking Ground: A Study on Joshua"

Joshua is a story of welcoming and walking in the promises of God. It shows us how to live a vibrant and confident Christian life.


More Messages Associated With "Reaping and Sowing"...

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