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Kyle Mercer - April 29, 2018

Story Of The World /// Week 4

Genesis 2:18-23 God's plan for humanity was far too great for Adam to accomplish alone, so he formed Eve. Why does the term" helper" seem to not be helpful or hopeful in society. What do both scripture and culture say about the unique and beautiful differences between men and women?

From Series: "Story Of The World"

God’s plan for CREATION, REDEMPTION, and RECONCILIATION has been so clear since the very beginning! The Bible is not a bunch of stories, but one story of God’s incredible GRACE. Join in as we look at the first 12 Chapters of GENESIS and their significance to all of HUMANITY and specifically US today.

More Messages Associated With "Womenhood"...

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Kyle Mercer - April 29, 2018

Story Of The World /// Week 4

Genesis 2:18-23 God's plan for humanity was far too great for Adam to accomplish alone, so he formed Eve. Why does the term" helper" seem to not be helpful or hopeful in society. What do both scripture and culture say about the unique and beautiful differences between men and women?

From Series: "Story Of The World"

God’s plan for CREATION, REDEMPTION, and RECONCILIATION has been so clear since the very beginning! The Bible is not a bunch of stories, but one story of God’s incredible GRACE. Join in as we look at the first 12 Chapters of GENESIS and their significance to all of HUMANITY and specifically US today.

More Messages Associated With "Womenhood"...

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