Paul tells the church that unity and humility are not only linked, but unity flows out of humility within the Church. He continues to explain how the Gospel must be experienced personally, that we must see people differently, and to have the mind of Christ. All of which leads to humility. Jesus is our ultimate example. In our place, Christ humbled himself, gave up his rights, but then was highly exalted by God. It was both His humiliation and exaltation that sets us free.
From Series: "In Life And Death- A Study In Philippians"
Paul writes his most positive letter to the church of Philippi from a jail cell! While many of Paul's letters focus on rebuking sinful behavior and correcting false doctrine, in this letter he is simply calling the church to joy, unity, and purpose in the midst of suffering and persecution.
Paul tells the church that unity and humility are not only linked, but unity flows out of humility within the Church. He continues to explain how the Gospel must be experienced personally, that we must see people differently, and to have the mind of Christ. All of which leads to humility. Jesus is our ultimate example. In our place, Christ humbled himself, gave up his rights, but then was highly exalted by God. It was both His humiliation and exaltation that sets us free.
From Series: "In Life And Death- A Study In Philippians"
Paul writes his most positive letter to the church of Philippi from a jail cell! While many of Paul's letters focus on rebuking sinful behavior and correcting false doctrine, in this letter he is simply calling the church to joy, unity, and purpose in the midst of suffering and persecution.