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Logan Dagley - May 19, 2019

The Church Jesus Imagined

Matthew 16: 13-20, 24-25 Ever wonder what kind of church Jesus had in mind? Thankfully, He told us! In Matthew 16, Jesus mentions the word "church" for the very first time and lays out his vision for Peter and the other believers that would follow him. A church on mission knows Christ, makes Christ known, and follows Jesus to sacrifice.

From Series: "Stand Alone Message"

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Logan Dagley - May 19, 2019

The Church Jesus Imagined

Matthew 16: 13-20, 24-25 Ever wonder what kind of church Jesus had in mind? Thankfully, He told us! In Matthew 16, Jesus mentions the word "church" for the very first time and lays out his vision for Peter and the other believers that would follow him. A church on mission knows Christ, makes Christ known, and follows Jesus to sacrifice.

From Series: "Stand Alone Message"

More Messages from Logan Dagley...

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