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Kyle Mercer - December 8, 2019

What does it mean to be God's friend?

Genesis 18 What does it mean to be God's friend? In Genesis 18, we see how Abraham walks closely with God, welcoming Him into his home, serving Him eagerly, and talking to Him on behalf of others.

From Series: "Abraham"

From the beginning God has called His people on a JOURNEY to know Him deeply & personally and MAKE HIM KNOWN to the ends of the earth. As we study the life of ABRAHAM, we see how God not only called Him but how He also continues to CALL us.

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Kyle Mercer - December 8, 2019

What does it mean to be God's friend?

Genesis 18 What does it mean to be God's friend? In Genesis 18, we see how Abraham walks closely with God, welcoming Him into his home, serving Him eagerly, and talking to Him on behalf of others.

From Series: "Abraham"

From the beginning God has called His people on a JOURNEY to know Him deeply & personally and MAKE HIM KNOWN to the ends of the earth. As we study the life of ABRAHAM, we see how God not only called Him but how He also continues to CALL us.

More Messages Associated With "hospitality"...

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